Monday, June 25, 2012

First Love

My first love have been pretty challenging these days.

He turned very rebellious, talking back at us, throwing tantrums, hitting me etc which is quite a jaw dropping period for me since he had never displayed such bad behaviour before and I am the type of mummy who would never ever allowed such attitude. I could not even recall when is the last time he had a meltdown in public, not to mention a pretty severe one.

It doesn't help that I am extremely quick tempered these days thus he had been sent to the naughty corner very frequently lately with lots of wailing, jumping and to my horror screaming!

Certainly hope that this will be a quick passing phase especially with the little sister arriving anytime now so do not wish that these behaviour will be escalated when she come, add on to the problems. Meanwhile I am trying my best to control my temper, provide him with more TLC and trying to close one eye on the not so bad behaviours instead of punishing him for every little issues. Yes I do know that inconsistency is not the ideal way of discipline and setting boundary but still there is a need to balance things up at this crucial moment of time!

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