Sunday, November 14, 2010

22 months

delayed post since I have been under the weather for a few days and yet still nursing a flu and sore throat.
Zethan have shown improvement in the department of speech although he might still be slightly behind his peers but I should think it is good enough at this moment.
yes = Is

star (can identify and coorelate to the shape when he see one)

fish = bloop bloop


stop = top

He is starting to get more sociable and acceptance or tolerance upon seeing strangers improved drastically, at the very least the hiding away is very much reduced. He might attempt to smile and played with others if one caught him in his very good mood. However interesting, we have noticed that should he be frighten by a stranger or any situation deemed to be scary to him, immediately he would wave and say goodbye.

Gradually he is accepting more variety of food such as rice, spaghetti, chicken and duck etc. He certainly looks like he require more time to polish up his chewing skill but I must say that he is starting off well and looks set for improvement coming along the way.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


it is just one of the day where all things and everything just feel so very wrong.

apparently almost all seem to be getting on my nerve.

the best thing to do is laze around and watch TV programs, brainless activities.

Better still, hit the sack early!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Long weekend

Another long weekend as Friday is Deepavali.

went to Tampines 1 to take a walk since we have not been there since the mall open quite a while ago. had our lunch in Ikea which is a mistake as even though we reached at about 3pm, the whole place is packed like mad. The daddy had wanted to get some new work clothes as he had just started in a new environment but it ended up that I bought instead.

Sat was lesson as usual and we did not dressed up in Indian costume. Zethan tend to get pretty sticky and keep demanding to be carried though can distract him rather easily. He can be pretty extreme, either sticky or run wild esp during music time. I appear to be on my own singing and dancing in the class!

A new observation during class, he saw a toy fish puzzle among the rubber blocks on the mat. Picked it up and walked towards the baskets where the toys are kept! Sorting skill, he is practising! After class ended was a nightmare, firstly he refuse to leave the playground despite being the last and then after pacifying, passed waterplay and fuss big time. Threw a big tantrum, lie on the floor, cry & yell hysterically and it did not stop for a good while. Took a lot of effort before calming him down amid the hard stares from parents and teachers. well I have built immunity to all these stares and I am not going to give in to him purely because of fear of embarrassment.

At night, we were invited to movie marathon at Taman Jurong and the lil guy slept for half an hour after midnight and woke! as we had to wait for the daddy who happily suggested mahjong, we left at 3am which meant the lil guy did not sleep, not untill we reached home, had his milk.

Attended Chace's full month party on sun, reached at about 12pm and fed Zethan chicken rice with chicken and xiao bai chai. He was well seated having his lunch thanks to the balloon which keep him occupied. No doubts the balloon followed us home subsequently.

Next, the plan to go Anchorpoint was changed to Suntec and again Singapore Expo. We spent a good 5 hours there and the lil guy is so tough and refuse to nap totally while waiting for the daddy to finish his shopping which by the way took more than 3 hours! Had Texas chicken for dinner and the lil guy was such a handful, refuse to be still, walking around the bench and messing with my hair. Indeed testing my patience tolerance and boundary, argh! passed by Gain City fair and recalled to check out HDD since the one I am holding is full (only 60GB). Decide to buy the Imation 640 GB for $103 so as not having to keep buying one and storing too many units though it is a better idea to have more units of smaller capacity to disperse the risk of depending on one and risk it crashing. Bought another 8GB SD card as spare which cost only $19.

On the journey back, finally the lil guy succumb to fatigue and fall asleep, holding tightly to the balloon and forgo his pacifier instead.

for the past few mornings, Zethan had been acting up with screams and cries especially when the daddy is around. What annoy me is not the tantrum he is throwing but how the daddy is handling it who is obviously not attempting to pacify and calm him down. Need some communication here.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


prefer to acknowledge that I have turned wiser yesterday embracing one more year of priceless experiences and knowledges (hopefully)!
if I am granted 3 wishes, these shall be the ones: -

I wish upon the star that our family will stayed healthy and happy.

I wish upon the star that Zethan will be well behaved

I wish upon the star that ............(3rd wish must always be kep a secret *winks*)
back to reality! we had a simple celebration yesterday by having Japanese lunch at Iodori. The choice were wide though variety not so. In a nutshell, generous serving of sashimi, nice teppanyaki minus the poor presentation and value for money.
Zethan is such a good boy and supposed he's being so sweet to this mummy by behaving himself throughout the 2hrs lunch without much fuss. Yes we did enjoyed our lunch in bliss, a luxury not experienced for a long while

Next we brought the little guy to Polliwogs and he fell asleep 5 mins before reaching so we allowed him to nap in the car for 30mins since I gathered that if not, we are going to risk a meltdown and he is not going to enjoy himself. Being weekday and Zethan under 2 YO, we just have to pay $8 for unlimited play.
It was challenging following him around in the play scape area since he is so nimble and fast, a vast difference from our last trip when it is much more managable. after a good 45mins, I had to 'drag' him back for a rest and have his milk which brought huge protests!

Then it was daddy's turn as I can hardly catch my breath now! He was thoroughly enjoying himself having a whale of time and fuss when he was brought back for a quick rest and water break. major meltdown which left him yelling on the floor out of which I pay no attention to. took a while for him to calm down before I insisted that daddy bring him for the last round before we go. I am seriously amazed by the endless energy he has!
now whose birthday was it by the way? apparently the little guy had a blast more than the mummy. oh ya, suddeny dawned on me that for my last birthday, we brought him to Polliwogs as well!