Sunday, September 27, 2009

1st SP

Zethan attended his 1st solemnization party at Sentosa yestersday which is also his maiden trip to Sentosa.
It was an outdoor party at Cafe Del Mar and despite the humid and hot weather, all had fun. Zethan had a short episode of meltdown upon reaching due to too many people focusing on him and of course thanks to the handsome groom whom 'roar' at him when he's having an outburst, big drops of tear dropping pitifully. After some cuddling and reassurance, he warmed up just fine.
By and large, it was managable and the next attempt shall be a wedding exactly 2 weeks later!

Friday, September 25, 2009


Zethan just returned from his PD and was diagnosed with Gastroenteritis or in laymen term Stomach Flu. He was given Lactelfort to be taken twice a day to cease the diarrhea and Ruetefene tablet (the good 'guys' for the gut - probiotic) to be taken once in the morning.

It all started on Tue which coincide with the introduction of porridge for the 1st time which he enjoy lots! On Tue alone, he poop thrice which is rather normal or acceptable so as to speak.

wed - poop 4 times usually after every feed regardless of milk / cereal / porridge. Mummy decide that it could be a passing phase or the body is getting used to a new food and hogh water content in the porridge 'activates' regular bowel movement. The worrying part is the frequent movement which causes redness and soreness in the anus. Analysed the possible cause to be teething since he's biting lots the last 2 days.

thur - poop 5 times including once which is Shart (shit with fart) and the rest mainly soft stool. Mummy's worries intensified and contemplate going to the PD with constant 'reminders' from grandma. However mummy decide to stop porridge for tomorrow and sticked with plain cereal while monitoring the situation further.

Fri - which is today. mummy turned panicky when Zethan pooped for like 6 times with the last 3 being very close to each other. Last minute decision to make a very rushed trip to the PD after calling in and was informed that there's no crowd currently thus good to walk in. The last diaper was retained for PD's observation after changing in the clinic.

Diagnosis - probably nothing to do with the introdution of porridge. Suspect viral infection which is Gastroenteritis so no antibiotic at this moment unless no signs of recovery after a week or onset of fever, blood in stool then would have to send stool for lab test (bacterial infection). 95% would recover with the medication. Options given to dilute milk into 1/2 strength or switch to Soy formula / Lactose Free milk. estimated 3 days for recovery (frequency revert back to normal) while full recovery is expected in a week (absence of watery / soft stool).

Mummy bought friso soy and crossed her fingers that Zethan will not reject it outright. 1st feed of Lactelfort turned out to be disasterous as he merlioned.

Speedy recovery little guy!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Botanic Garden

mummy's long weekend starts on Friday thus had a few activities planned out!

as per earlier post, Friday is the day mummy and daddy celebrated their 6th anniversary thus brought along grandma for a simple dim sum high tea.
on saturday, mummy brought Zethan to Auntie Stacy and Baby Shyan's house for a gathering with the jan babies. Unfortunately mummy did not manage to take any pictures. grabbed some photos from Auntie Sue Lin and Uncle David.
back to intended post as title suggest. mummy woke daddy up after Zethan's 1st feed in the morning suggesting to make a trip to Botanic gardens for some fresh air. It was a fun trip though it was bad timing as mummy isn't aware about the ongoing event there thus 2 of the carparks were closed. Daddy had to carry Zethan for quite a distance and the sun is beeming brightly above.

Zethan was fascinated by waterfall, people watching and managed to catch a glimpse of the tortoises and carps in the lake while seated in his million dollar honk honk. His honk honk is indeed such a head turner though it is not easy to manouver around especially around bends. A pity we are a distance from the swan Lake otherwise his attention will be captivated by the graceful swans. the next trip we shall make it to the swan lake.

Anyhow the 1st trip of Zethan to Botanic Garden draw the end as it is close to Zethan's cereal time and mummy decide to head home lest faced a meltdown due to lack of sleep. Zethan is so tired that he drift into la-la land once in the car seat and the whole journey home.

Friday, September 18, 2009


looking back on this day in 2003, what start it all from then on......
well...mummy and daddy became mummy and daddy on this day back in 2003. What a walk down memory lane.

And today, the little family have expanded to 3!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


yesterday Zethan surprised mummy with a funny action out of the blue sending mummy and grandma roaring away.

after finishing his dinner of cereal and puree, as usual, he looks like a kitty cat badly in need of a wipe. in a flash he used his tongue to lick away the leftovers at the corner of his mouth! mummy spotted it and laughed real hard.

Zethan was reprimanded by mummy as he love to suck his fingers (and dig his mouth) which make him gagged. so mummy turn Zethan to face her (while carrying him), looks like Zethan knew it coming and use both his little hands to cover his face / eyes!

oh mine, this little guy is full of tricks and never failed to 'entertain' mummy and grandma! He get so angry when both laughed at him!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

8 mos

still in time to wish this little guy a Happy 8th month-sary. it's not hard to imagine that another 4 mths down the road, Zethan will be celebrating his 1st hatchday! How very exciting.
Zethan is currently about 8.7kg and 71cm tall/long. He is on 2 cereal meals daily of about 3.5 formula milk scoop with 1 cube veg/fruit puree (est. 70ml) mixed with 130ml of milk. Milk feed have been reduced to 2 feeds being morning and mid noon (180-200ml).
Just a week back, his naptime greatly decreased but was compensated by earlier bedtime around eightish. because of that he had refused to down any milk for last feed (10+) having had the last meal being cereal. The 1st few nights mummy and grandma woke him up for feed only to be greeted by a super fussy and cranky baby, arching his body and tilting back his head! guess better off to do without the feed lest risking a fractured neck at the rate Zethan tilted his head back so vigorously.
oh, a note on his milestone. Mummy saw for herself that Zethan managed to sit himself up from the tummy time position. However it was observed that unless he had some kind of support behind him, otherwise it's quite impossible still. He is super duper active the whole of today with constant flipping, climbing on the bed. He has yet to crawl very well and prefer flipping around to get to his desired 'destination'
Attention span is still noted to be rather short say about 30mins max with reference to attending lessons. Mummy have noticed that Zethan expressed very keen interest in the arena of music and movement. When he is on Your Baby Can Read, the max he can last is averaging 15mins but somehow the 2 songs segments managed to catch his attention for as long as the song last. he is particularly focused watching the daily news, zao an ni hao especially the opening music and what came on before the financial updates. He can dropped whatever he is doing to focus on these segments.
Zethan can wave (by simply flipping his left hand), sign twinkle / milk on a adhoc basis dependent on his mood. Not to forget the babble of ma-ma and mum-mum as mentioned in previous post. He knows how to differentiate 'his food' and when other try to lure him with table food which he will attempt to grab it. He recognise his bowl and spoon thus luring with adult spoon don't work. Showing more intense signs of looking on when others are eating and even trying to reach out for it.
on the not so good aspect, he has learnt to bury his face on the bed / shoulder of whoever is carrying him when he is crying pathetically for watever reason it is. He is not quite ready yet to accept lumpy food and prefer puree in smooth consistency. But on a positive note, he could actually munch on Gerber graduate puffs and asking for more.
introducing porridge, fish, pork (stock), beef, chicken and threadfin soon. He is currently on Happy Bellies oatmeal cereal (because of the prebiotics content). Shelfing off brown rice cereal to be re-intro again as he show sign of indigestion.
well, in a nutshell that sums up the progress of Zethan for the last month to the best of mummy's memory which is failing her badly.

Monday, September 7, 2009


the ticker shows Zethan being 7 months 26 days old.

just yesterday mummy overheard him babble 'ma-ma' a few times over the course of a day but she is certain that Zethan has yet to associate that with mummy! guess he is at the experiment and discovery stage and suddenly realised he could mumble 'ma-ma'. on the other hand, it is highly possible Zethan is calling out to grandma who have been consistently going 'ma-ma' to him.
so looking forward to the day when he can seriously called out ma-ma or mummy with the proper association of course.

today it's another set of babblering, 'mum-mum' and he actually does it when seated together at the dining table over dinner.
oh did mummy mention that Zethan had his 1st taste of bread last Friday at Cafe Cartel. He munch really well and enjoyed the bread! then again Zethan kind of merlion-ed on sat, wonder if it could be due to the consumption of bread, any possible allergen present? need to ponder and figure it out.