Monday, October 11, 2010


Had an eventful today.

Slipped and fell this morning in the carpark because of some inconsiderate idiot who left a big puddle of engine oil at the entrance of the carpark. What a relief that I am not pregnant or not carrying Zethan otherwise consequence is unthinkable. Break the fall with my knee instead of landing on my bum fearing of hurting the tailbone. My kneecap hurts on & off, hopefully nothing fractured.

In a dilemma to join the dinner gathering with the Jan mummies because of the fall and I am glad I did. We had a very nice pizza dinner at Greenwood Ave and it is really the yummiest pizza I had till date and what a sight, a pizza as big as a manhole. Coolz. The turnout was small but perfect for a nice chat without having to fight against the noise and shout across the table. Chat anything under the sun from property to child bearing to labour and the list is endless.

I had this instinct that Ophe isn't feeling very right and from my observation, can see that she is abit uncomfy with the flushing on her face and restlessness. We were close to ending the day when she excuse herself to the restroom with a strange feeling of discomfort. She returned minutes later announcing that her waterbag leaked though uncertain out of which we confirmed her suspicion! Quickly sent her going and get Jason all prepared to set off to the hospital.

courtesy of Leona

High on excitement, speaking as though I am the one in labour. Having said that, a wave of mother instinct washed over. Oh how very strong that urge to get pregnant and reminisce the feeling all over again!


Anonymous said...

jia you serene! you are next! haha


Love ~ Zs' Mummy Ser said...


Im still in the Q, supposed to be yourself or Kelly next....remember? haha