Saturday, October 30, 2010

JG Week 7

miss out on last week's class due to work reason. the daddy send us for class today as he is on leave before starting his work in a new company soon. Thinking that with extra help on hand, we would be able to leave for class on time but who knows....rather not go there.

anyway today is one of the rare occasion whereby both mummy and son slept from 10pm last night till 9+am this morning. as usual the sensor in him was activated 5 mins after I woke to wash up. and it was partly due to this reason thath Zethan missed his morning nap and had to attend class without one which worries me big time. crossing my fingers and toes that he will be fine in class which luckily he did except being much more sticky as usual, always demanding to be carried.

we learnt about letter M including Mary mouse, monkey and monkey not to forget Huo Zi (monkey in chinese). as for art & crafts, we did a paper cup monkey of which Zethan is not very keen in. He hardly spread the paint on the paper cup and did not bother to help stick on the face, hands, legs and tails. Though the glitters interest him abit an besides spreading on the monkey, he glittered himself too. For the chinese bit, it was a jack in the box monkey using a plastic container which is largely parents work. However Zethan is rather amused by the end result with the monkey popping once the cover is removed.

Snack time did not interest him much as well with sausages, papaya and this cereal looking snack which is sweet and hard. I was pleased that he brought the plate and cup to be kept away all by himself which received Safina's praise of him having good eye hand coordination. Music and story time is tiring as he cling on to me and had to be carried thoughout the whole session thanks to no morning nap, hardly have time for me to catch up on my breathe! As for outdoor activity, it was playground time and as usual he spent more than 95% of the time playing with balls.

Brought him to Changi Airport for some running around and exploration. He is fascinated with the conveyor belts and the baggages moving around and this weird fella insisted on playing at the playground when it did not interest him in JG and they are exactly the same. Threw his tantrum when I have to get him to change his diaper but was easily distracted. Dinner was bad for Zethan when he had a serious meltdown, reason unknown. He as eating fine untill the point he decide to fuss and cry badly. The daddy did not manage to pacify him or calm him down and clearly was embarassed by the situation yet again. I had to carry him away, brought him to a quite corner where nobody passed by and try to calm him down. It took a while repeatedly telling him to calm down while giving him a hug and it worked! we went back to finish his dinner quick and nice without a whimper.

Oh, Halloween tomorrow, no plans yet and not sure what to do.

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