Friday, September 3, 2010


Sudden onset of fever which started yesterday noon.

Mom called and said his temperature shoot up to 38.5. gave mom instruction to feed paracetemol first to observe. Mom said put on fever patch for him. An hour later, called back to realise that the fever kind of habour around 38 degrees.

So the fluctuation of temperature went on and still is at this moment as I blogged this post.
Feed brufen, temperature came down to like 37.8 but after taking a nap, went back to 38. Shortly after temperature went up to 38.8. Guess the weekend is burnt and will be more tiring than ever.

The most trying of all will be Zethan being manipulative, fussing big time when the daddy is around knowing jolly well that the daddy is not going to lecture him when he'misbehaves'.
Oh man, this is seriously driving me nuts. Knocking sense into both the big and small one is futile so forget it. Bite the bullet and pull through this trying period. meanwhile igorance is bliss.

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