He is such a sweetie to the daddy as on more than one occasion, he's observed to fetch daddy's boxer shorts from the walk-in wardrobe for him to change into soon after Zethan stepped into the house. should daddy be elsewhere in the house be it kitchen or living room, he will dutifully fetch it to him, awww so sweet (psst ~ but never to the mummy, **fumes**)
since close to a week ago, he started holding his milk bottle FINALLY. while the peers excel in this aspect as early as 6 months, this smartie boy decide to do it only now just when I have given up hope and thought that he is not going to feed himself for good. At a random try which I asked him to hold the bottle himself, he did and finished the whole bottle of milk.
His speech development improved tremendously lately too. When he is in a good mood, you can catch him saying daddy, bye see ya, NO etc. He too attempt to his very best words that are taught randomly which are more like the objects we see day to day e.g. fish (he say ish), duck (he say luck). so they say children learn best via repetition, to repeat over and over again till they registered it, pretty true in fact.
Zethan should be going through another phase of growth spurt for the past 1 week. He takes 3 bottles of 240ml formula milk daily with 2 meals of porridge (2 full bowls of pigeon orange bathtub) and in between demand for table food and snacks. This is really a never before thingy and naturally I am a little skeptical on this demand feeding lest he get indigestion or over fed. Demanding for snacks are like less than an hour post meals excluding the table food feeding even though it is not alot.
Wasn't this post supposed to be praising the little man but somehow incline slowly towards developmental updates, not that my memory can substained for a month so rather do it progressively!