Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!
We had a very homely Christmas this year.
A very last minute decision to have steamboat on Christmas Eve! Chop chop decide at 2ish in the afternoon to have steamboat, mum rake the freezer which was pretty well stocked, only lacking a few items which I grabbed from Fairprice after work.
This is also the 1st Christmas in like 10 years I am working FULL DAY on Christmas eve which is like a major spoilsport. The only consolation is that a few colleagues came together and celebrated with some called in food and yes what else besides fastfood like fried chicken and pizza. A very late lunch as Popeyes forgot about our order when it is made a day in advance and had the cheek to argue that they did not have such an order. Of course the order number say it all. So holiday mood on the eve, totally no mood to work at all.
And so we had the steamboat, in fact the whole family is around which sound more like Chinese New Year reunion dinner more than anything else. What to do when hardly anyone in the family have any love for Christmassy food of Turkey, roast beef and logcake. We just had to do it the cheena way instead. Regardless what matter most is all came together for the dinner, the company supersede the cuisine anyway.
As usual and as always, it's time to set the new year resolutions, 2014 is just a stone's throw away.

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