Zethan slept till 8.30am which is a bliss for us and he did something so uber sweet to me. I was still half asleep when I felt the blanket pulled over my feet and was drowned with sweetness realising that it was Zethan who did that, awww.
In case you might be wondering why am I so meticulously blogging a post on a daily basis is because for the month of Oct is Blogtoberfest which requires blogger to publish a post everyday. well I did not participate formally by registering in the founder's website but thought to do it for fun and try it out. I was pretty surprised myself that I could hold it out and accomplished like 99% of the 'mission' that is only missing out on one day's post. It goes to show that if one set your mind to complete a task, nothing is quite impossible, at least true for me in this case. Initially was very skeptical on where on earth would I be able to find so many topics to blog about each day but I did it! Anyhow since today is the last day of Oct, it mark the end of Blogtoberfest as well. Although posting will no longer be on a daily basis but will try to keep it as updated as possible.
so how did we spend this halloween? suddenly woke in the morning recalling that there is a public holiday in mid of Nov so went to check it out. Was elated to find that 17 Nov 2010 is a PH thus we will be able to make it for the additional show at 2.30pm for SSO Babies Prom. Got all excited and tried to surf the Sistic website for booking of tickets. Now this is the first time I am going to a concert thus hopeless in online booking. after fiddling around for 20mins, decided to try my luck at the Sistic agents.
went to IMM for breakfast @ Cafe Cartel and Zethan does not seem to be keen in french toast and omelete but still down half slide of french toast with some sausages.
The experience at the Sistic counter was not a pleasant one to start with. They displayed a sign on the counter stating that due to technical faults, services are not avail but I waited anyhow. The lady attend to me after a 10 mins wait and she actually asked me to join the long queue at the Redemption counter! So I questioned her what is the differentiation between this Sistic counter and Redemption counter. She replied due to overwhelming response of duno what it is and she mumbled on which I take no notice of by cutting her long story short asking if it is down or avail. It was only then that she told me avail and went on to ask for details of the tickets to be purchased. Selecting seats is another nonsense, initially she leave only 2 options to choose from which is similar to each other being in the far end, just a matter of left or right. When I hesitated and queried again if there is no other options avail (she said no the first time I asked), then she 'released' the better seats which I booked with no questions asked. Not that they are very well located but at least much better than what's offered earlier and closer to the stage, aisle seats.
So yes, we will be going to SSO Babies prom. Have heard so much about it and response is really overwhelming, selling like hot cakes. It did not help that they open sales of tickets to SSO members being public so it is no wonder the intial 4 shows are totally sold out. So glad that there is this additional show and it fall on a PH! will write a review after attending!