Friday, October 4, 2013


Absence make the heart fonder, a very true statement and heart warming particularly in my case.
These days Zelyn is so fun to be with, okay at least most of the time when she is not in her fussy mood. Before I leave the house for work, I will wave her goodbye at the doorstep. Most of the days she will put on her cheery smile which simply melt my heart and lift up her heart requesting for a high 5!. I would then have to remove my shoes, walked to her and give her a high 5 or rather few high 5s since the action will be repeated several times before I stepped out of the house.
As I am out for almost the whole day and more so on days when I had to go for my exercise regime, she simply jumped in joy when I returned home. It was such a bliss and pleasure to open the main door and seeing her smiling brightly and shrieking in joy! Awww.... a sight one can die for. So yes definitely I looked forward to be home, opening the main door and expecting the million dollar smile welcome me home! 

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