The obsession with numbers once again? Nope, do not wish to go right down to the precise details thus shall and always have used that as Zethan's current age.
Geez, the pace he is growing up is unbelievable, turning 5 in 2 over month's time. Honestly we can no longer regard him as our 'baby' though a lot of time we still addressed him as baby, too used to it.
I am seriously very pleased at his progress in MKG as seen in the songs and rhymes he brought home, both English and Chinese. He is attempting to converse in Mandarin with us at home which is clearly a good sign especially when he seem to really enjoy it. Coming to words which he is uncertain of, he will ask in English for us to teach him in Mandarin and it had become an interesting 'game' we played as part of our bonding session.
For example, as of late, he would love to lead us asking him what are the animals he saw during the last school excursion as well as our family outing to the zoo. You might have guessed it, he would want us to recite the animals in Chinese to which he will respond if he did or did not spot them over the trips. Quite a fun and interesting activity I must say, it's definitely educational too.
The frustration I have was the hindering factors that is stopping me from signing him up for any enrichment classes. If not because the class is really popular and FULL, it will be missing out the timeline on existing class and the new available class is quite far ahead or not even available till further notice. Next would be most classes are conducted over the weekends, in specific on Saturday which is a major headache since I am working on alternate Saturday which is fine right as we can always look out for classes after lunch. That lead me to the next irritation, Saturday at work means EXCO meeting and for whatever reason which I could not understand it somehow involve ikan bilis like us who is not management. Which is still fine again but the so very not fine thing is, meeting always exceed past our officially working hours and if we are lucky till 1pm or if not so lucky then it's 2pm! With such uncertain working hours on sat, there is no way I can schedule or signed him up for any enrichment classes at all!
Asking him for his 'birthday' wish, he requested to go LEGOLAND again which could be attributed by the intense TVC promoting the opening of water park in LEGOLAND. My initial plans was a visit to UK Agro Farm Resort and a night stay in the resort but quite unfortunately his birthday fall on a Saturday and they only have full board package available and there is no option for accommodation only. So it's either checking in on Sunday which means we need to apply for leave on Monday or simply do a day trip which is very do-able since it's merely about 1.5 hours drive one way. Guess half a day spent there suffice. Showed him some photos I Google and checked his interest on bottle feeding kids (the baby goat not human kids), goats grazing etc which he did appear really keen and reminded me on a few occasions since then.
Lately he seem to be really uninterested in his milk feeds for whatever reasons I have yet to identify at this point. It could hardly be possible due to weaning off the milk bottle as he is still drinking pretty well from his new sippy cup for a good while. Crossing out all other possible causes from the list, could not be formula (no change in formulation or brand), decrease in appetite (not likely as he is cutting back on meals portions as well as volume per milk feed). I am more concern and particular when it come to 1st milk intake of the day or breakfast. He refused milk stating he is not hungry and reject any other choices for breakfast totally, now that appear to be a genuine cause for concern. How could he be not hungry after a night of sleep? Okay some might suggest bad appetite due to post waking up but even after an hour after waking, he would still showed reluctance to drink milk or any form of food intake. Hope that I am not thinking too much into it but I have not narrow out the possibility that some events might have happened in school which caused the rejection of milk as well as his behavioural issues which certainly have huge room for improvement. Well, need to put on my detective cap for some slow and steady investigation, wish me luck.
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