Tuesday, August 27, 2013


The little girl have been showing signs of walking the last few days.
She had been furniture cruising for a real long time but yet do not have the confidence to go hands off, to squat down or even standing up from squatting position. For what she is not confident of, she would rather crawl which make sense since she is a fast crawler.
Probably the excitement to walk was brought about because of the Playskool walker we assembled for her recently. She was giggling with real excitement holding on to the walker and trying to dash around! Baby walker to train your walking and not running when you have yet to master the skill of walking!
When she lay hands on the walker, she walks around the whole house and she proudly 'walk' to show off to her grandma & helper (as they are the only ones who have yet to see her with the walker), yelling to get their attention as though announcing "look at my new toy"! Most of the time she could only walk straight ahead and once caught in a corner or dead end, she will hold the walker up to 'turn' around. Do not underestimate the strength of this petite lady even though the walker is pretty light weight.
So last 2 days she have been taking small baby steps like 4-5 steps and we have to remind her to steady herself first before attempting to take her steps otherwise she will dash! She appear to be getting the hang of it and was pretty stable in the 4-5 baby steps she is attempting. Not that I am complaining but seriously I would rather she do not walk so fast as that would spell a new set of headache!

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