Saturday, August 17, 2013

On our own

Now that the helper is more or less settled at home, I told the hubby that we would have to spend time as a family, going out on our own without the helper. I do not fancy the idea of having the helper everywhere we go, seriously like no privacy in the house as well as out.
The hubby was pretty resistant initially which seriously could not be blamed since the luxury of the helper tagging along translate to the hubby not having to carry the diaper bag or anything else we bought for that matter. This is easily resolved by bringing along the stroller and with the hooks, shopping bags can be hung on the stroller freeing our hands. He asked the first few times if we are bringing the helper along but guess he got the idea after the repeated NO was what he received.
The only huge difference I must admit which is pretty significant would be dining out. With the helper around, we can afford to have our meals in peace while the gal is being watched over thus I would only need to prepare the boy's meal. Again I feel that it's no major issue unless when there are isolated occasions when the gal is fussy and rejecting her stroller /  high chair. Otherwise she is pretty self entertaining with people watching, cuddling her smelly pillow or a few toys here and there. Snacks could be quite a life saver at critical moments like such especially if she were to reject all those mentioned.
So far we attended a few birthday parties (Jun / July babies) almost every weekend and could still steal some time for short trips to Changi Airport and walk around Downtown east etc.

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