Saturday, June 20, 2009


mummy have been worrying sick with Zethan's feedings dipping further south day by day for like close to 4 weeks or more. She is trying to check around from experienced lactation consultant to senior neonatalogist to peadiatrician etc.
Just last week she brought Zethan to see Mrs Wong @ TMCas she remarked during a conversation with mummy that it's way too long to have this loss of appetite and urged mummy to bring Zethan in for a training session on bottle feeding. Mummy did just that and conclusion being Zethan is rather well grown and should drink when he's hungry. To play safe, make a trip to pd for UTI test for peace of mind and if situation dun improve after 2-3 weeks, get a full body checkup done by pd.
The collection of urine was a frustrating process. Went to the pd on a sat only to realised that they can't collect urine on sat after 1.5hrs wait. No ear infection, lungs sound okay though a mouth rinse was given because of some redness on Zethan's gums to prevent a probable gingivitis.
2nd trip to pd returned empty handed as well. apparently Zethan's penis wasn't clean properly thus there are dirt / dead skin observed when his foreskin is being pulled back. So was sent back once again with a potassium based antiseptic wash. However instructions were not furbished properly by the nurse mentioning that just splahing of dilution on the penis with skin pulled back. Mummy checked if cleaning is necessary and was told not to touch the penis as it is going to be sensitive.
After 4 days of washing thrice daily, mummy and grandma happily brought Zethan back to the pd but again as dirt is still observed even after skin preps, pd advised to continue with the wash till no dirt is seen. Mummy was really angry as she was mis-informed on how to clear the dirt / dead skin thus wasting another trip! This time round the pd said to cleanse away the dead skin with gauge / cotton balls. Mummy was pissed not just over the time and trips wasted but largely the discomfort for Zethan having to go through this ordeal for so many days and more to come. duhs!

From mummy's observation, it appear to be cleared of the dirt as of now so hopefully the next trip for urine collection will be fruitful!

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