Zethan flip from back to tummy on his right today but mummy suspect it's a one off thingy. No photo / video though, nope the above photo is taken previously.
So far most if not all the time Zethan will flip from back to tummy on his left which he is an expert now.
Imagine he can be realli persistent and try to attempt countless times when mummy try to stop him from doing so. Zethan can't stop flipping be it dressing up time or diapering time thus it is indeed challenging to perform these task without flipping him back constantly.
The thing is he can flip from back to tummy but have forgotten the ability to flip back thus after a while will definitely call out for help!
So far most if not all the time Zethan will flip from back to tummy on his left which he is an expert now.
Imagine he can be realli persistent and try to attempt countless times when mummy try to stop him from doing so. Zethan can't stop flipping be it dressing up time or diapering time thus it is indeed challenging to perform these task without flipping him back constantly.
The thing is he can flip from back to tummy but have forgotten the ability to flip back thus after a while will definitely call out for help!
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