Monday, September 15, 2008


20 weeks 7 days

mummy have been hearing alot about the benefits of 'Pao Shen' and birdnest for Baby thus went around asking for more information.

Apparently what it can do is to build up Baby's immunity system while in the womb (Pao Shen) resulting in less prone to illness after Baby is born. At the same time it also serve its purpose for mummy to improve the healthy well being of mummy (Bu).

As we till have bottled bird nest bought a while back so we decided to finish them 1st before purchasing raw bird nest to self stew / double boiled. As mummy have read that although bird nest is known to give good complexion to Baby, high consumption might result in asthma in infants thus to be on the safe side mummy is consuming a small bottle on a weekly basis (to much of anything is never beneficial).

Back to the pao shen, we check with a medical hall near our place before which cost a whopping $160 (the cheapest and lowest end) for 1 'liang' translating to about 37g and was advised to consume it in 5 portions. Today we went to another medical hall and the americal Pao shen they offer was $80 per 'liang' with advise to place about 5 slices to make a drink / double boiled with lean meat / chicken twice weekly. Should one like it to be more intense then add in more slices of Pao Shen. Mummy and daddy decide to give it a try even being a tad skeptical. mummy was pretty assured despite of the vast difference in price largely due to some queries I posted for him on G6PD in which alot of TCM are not aware of (even the reputable ones)

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