Saturday, July 25, 2015

Nov 2014

More than half year into 2015 and here I am still trying to push the old brain into overdrive; recap what had happened 7 months back. Okay I am just trying my best to capture as much as possible to update the outdated posts.

My favourite month out of the whole year ~ November! At least it is the sole favourite when I am still single. After having our family, it became one of the favourite month with many more others.

We went for a short staycation at RWS on my birthday, well more like fun for the children than for the mummy right. What is new anyway, almost every year after the arrival of Zethan, my birthdays are another fun day for him or them. Nothing much except for the sun, sand and sea. Who would be more excited than both the children since they get to play with sand and swim.

Oh did I ever mentioned that I took the biggest challenge for the longest time ever to "reform" myself - having a new hairstyle! People who have known me for long would have seen the boring me for as long as they can remember since I hardly or rather have not changed my hairstyle at all. So for this birthday, I decided to chop off my waist length hair after thinking hard for really long. So much so I had to spring into action like almost immediately lest get cold feet and changed my mind at the very last minute. Planned to do it on my actual day but due to so miscommunication, was a great disappointment it did not happened. Determined as I was, quickly went into plan B and all was good to go the next day. Brought my son along with me, not that he would stopped me from having cold feet last minute but simply as he wanted to follow. A short discussion with the hairstylist, leaving my fate into his good hands. Waraoz like honestly does it need to sound so serious right but seriously it is to me! Chopped off the whole chunk and asked if I would like to keep it for memories sake but no thanks as it appear so freaky. 30 minutes later, I stared at the stranger in the mirror with mixed emotion. The first feedback given by my son froze my heart, he say it is not nice at all with a eeeee. Second feedback from the hubs, it looked so funny! At this point, I am almost regretting my adventure but what's done cannot be undone. The good thing is beside the 2 negatives from the 2 men in my life, most of the others are really encouraging and positive.

The exciting milestone for the young lady started as we went for her pre-N registration as well as buying her the necessary uniforms and attires for school next year. She looked so stunned and adorable trying on her uniform, stiffed like a statue! A little big for her but smallest size available.
The young man bid farewell to MKG as we transfer him back to PCF for ease of logistic for both children. He is a little upset and said he is going to miss his friends and the school (read- new compound and swimming pool). I am pretty sure he will do just fine in the new environment, knowing more friends.
The son went on a holiday again over the year end term break happily abandon his mummy. A day before he set off, I asked him if he might miss mummy and he broke my heart with a big fat NO!

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