Sunday, July 26, 2015

02 Jan 2015

2015 new school term is rather special. My thoughts before the first day of school.....
"Preparing (bracing) myself to a highly probable emotional day tmr.Our chilli padi is going to school. Memories of korkor going to school for the first time came flooding back, only difference is she is in my tummy then.
COnfident that korkor will adapt to the new environment readily though I have urged him to speak about his emotions be it good or not so good.
As for the chilli padi, chances are she will wailed once we stepped away. Of course positively hoping that she will prove us wrong but yes she will do well!
Another milestone ticked"
One of the great benefit of Facebook, enable documenting these details which act as a backup for photos as well. Otherwise not much chance I would be able to do a throwback posts for as long as 9 months back.
The chilli padi did surprised me on her 1st day of school, much tougher and braver than I thought. Upon reaching school, I went in with her while watching her at a distance, not intervening teacher's instructions. Stayed in a corner smiling at her and encouraging her to participate in class activities. Judging by gut feel that she appear to be adapting well, said my goodbye after 20mins assuring her of my return later to fetch her.
She sailed through the next hour smoothly, not even a whimper or a drop of tear! SO proud of my little baobei, well done young lady! Secretly peeped in on her without her noticing and she is doing extremely well, moving with the flow. No sign of anxiety totally.
To the daddy, she proved him wrong as he is very very certain she will cry her eyes out upon leaving her alone in class thus the scaredy cat daddy happily excuse himself, not even applying leave to accompany his little girl's first day of school.
The next day she was dropped off at the entrance with "bye, see you later". Dry eyes, both of us that is and as they always say, the rest are history.
Other significance of this special day, our 7th wedding anniversary. Why did we not foresee having to deal with the children's new school term yearly on this day? Next year will be another major milestone, for the korkor, starting a new phase in primary school.
Going through the draining day, we have kept the celebration simple with no fanciful celebration by taobaoing nice food from our favourite place to enjoy as a family in the comfort of our home. The cool weather further enable us to enjoy our food especially the messy affair or crabbing!

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