Sunday, August 21, 2011


Can somebody kick me from behind please? I can't believe it, my last post was in June and it's nearing end august already!

2011 entail a few major changes in our life. As mentioned, we are selling
our nest and found new nest. The next major change in my life; I have officially been pronounced as SAHM (stay at home mum) as of 19 August 2011. Well, it will be a short term thingy as I wish to spend more time with Zethan before enrolling him in a child care centre come Jan 2012 when he turn 3 years old. Seriously speaking, I am guilty of not spending sufficient time with him since birth and I do put the blame on myself for his slow development.

Thus for the next few months, my goals will be to coach him and prepare him for school in the aspects of academic as well as general development. Crossing my fingers but I certainly hope that by then he will be toilet trained and to wean him off co-sleeping with us. Sound like a tall order and major challenge since in the department of toilet training, he is no way near any. He does tell only after he poop quite randomly and he is confused over wet diaper and poo. Perhaps not quite confused but at least associate wet diaper to poo. So you can see that it is going to be a tough fight and please wish me success.

I have been trying to encourage Zethan to speak more freely as he appear to be reserved and 'lazy' in his speech. I am proud and relieved to say that for the last few weeks, he had shown tremendous improvements. Knowing jolly well that it is unfair to compare and he is relatively slower than his peers but if I may say so, I am still quite satisfied with his current progress. I have learnt to ask him questions or providing him with the answers in order to communicate with him. When he try to express himself which could not be comprehend, I will try my very best to ask if he is saying so and so of which he will reply yes or no.

For the next few months or so, intense activities are to be expected. In
order not to get too uptight and overwhelmed with the tons of task to perform, would have to efficiently and effectively prioritise the events especially so for the month of September. The plan shall be:

- shopping for house fittings / furnishing

- Renovation for Bishan

- Packing and preparation for the move

- The Big Move on 11 Sep 2011 (not that it is a good date)

- Settled in Bishan and unpacking (dreading that big time)

- Hong Kong vacation (much anticipated, so very looking forward to!)

Shall blog separately.

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