Sunday, November 14, 2010

22 months

delayed post since I have been under the weather for a few days and yet still nursing a flu and sore throat.
Zethan have shown improvement in the department of speech although he might still be slightly behind his peers but I should think it is good enough at this moment.
yes = Is

star (can identify and coorelate to the shape when he see one)

fish = bloop bloop


stop = top

He is starting to get more sociable and acceptance or tolerance upon seeing strangers improved drastically, at the very least the hiding away is very much reduced. He might attempt to smile and played with others if one caught him in his very good mood. However interesting, we have noticed that should he be frighten by a stranger or any situation deemed to be scary to him, immediately he would wave and say goodbye.

Gradually he is accepting more variety of food such as rice, spaghetti, chicken and duck etc. He certainly looks like he require more time to polish up his chewing skill but I must say that he is starting off well and looks set for improvement coming along the way.

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