Monday, July 7, 2008


10weeks 6days
Feeling ~ over the moon

it's a blessing that Baby is very well behaved today thus making mummy's 1st day passed without a hitch!

Left for home slightly earlier to grab dinner before visiting Dr Adrain in the evening. Mummy had fried beehoon (again...again) and enjoyed it lots.

we were too kiasu to 'register' way before hand and it so happen that Dr Adrain is pretty early today thus missed my turn. Mummy can feel the thumping motion on tummy very fast and strongly thus remark to daddy wondering if it's my anxious heartbeat or Baby's excited heartbeat. Got a scolding from daddy for behaving so anxiously whenever we visit Dr adrain. Daddy went to 'inform' the nurses that we are back and shortly it was our turn.

Today's session is super duper quick and it's over in a blink. Again greeted by the infamous "How are you"...."anymore staining". Mummy replied and almost instantly he said "let's do a scan". As usual almost instantly after the probe landed on mummy's tummy, he shouted "Mr, would you like to see" then in a flash goes "here's the head, the body, the belly and the heartbeat", too fast for daddy to react properly. Before even mummy left the couch, he asked about our Oscar test.

Mummy did not even manage to settle her bum on the chair, he goes "okay, all looks fine, everything is alrite so no worries, we will see you in 2 weeks time" When mummy turn to leave, he goes again (another nearly established) infamous statement, "remember to rest well, have lots of rest, watch TV, no shopping" so I return my infamous "no energy for shopping" which left both of laughing.

Daddy settle the bill of $325 which consists of balance of package as well as 2 boxes of hormone pills. Fixed the appointment for next visit ~ 21 July 08. Mummy went off to pee for the urine test which is in the normal range.

reached home and peek at the ultrasound scan which didn't turn out very obvious, guess Dr Adrian shifted the probe before printing the scan. Our precious sweetie Baby measure 4.24cm and our EDD has been brought forward to 27 Jan 2009 (2nd day of CNY).

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