Thursday, July 3, 2008


10weeks 1day
Feeling ~ paranoid

mummy have been crossing my fingers & toes for the past 2 days and will continue to do so untill we passed our 1st trimester mark. Mummy and Baby will persevere together!

yest early morning when mummy got up to pee, noted light pinkish discharge which got mummy hysterical. Can't return to sleep partially because of worried thus toss and turn for more than an hour, constantly praying and talking to Baby.

The rest of the day went on fine and certainly hoped that it would remain this way.

For the past few days, I'm almost like completely on bedrest and at the the same time too tired to be up and about as well. So might as well lie in bed and rest. Even daddy looked at mummy in dismay on how tired can mummy be. Poor daddy is so very sweet to be buying lunch for us everyday and running errands for mummy in the house e.g. fetching water, food, preparing simple dinner and snacks etc. Hang in there babe, mummy and Baby love you deep deep!

Only today after lunch mummy and daddy went to auntie's house for praying and blessing for Baby's health and well being. Mummy will have to avoid cooling stuff, change of bedsheets, moving stuff around the house and funerals.

mummy was telling daddy that it's such unusual and rare for mummy wanting to leave the shopping mall quickly for home....kekeke. Daddy is also commenting on the number of days mummy have been 'house bound'.

For sake of my precious Baby, mummy will be a good girl!

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