Thursday, May 22, 2008

22 May 2008

CD39 DPO20

Feeling ~ worried (can't help it), confused & hysterical

mummy feeling nervous the whole day because we are visiting Dr Woody tonight...the 2 days wait appears like eternity....try to rest & sit as much as possible during work today...moving in slower motion...taking extra care in everything I do.....

pick daddy up after work and head straight to Lot 1 for dinner because mummy is super duper hungry and it's too early to drop in Dr Woody's clinic.....

mummy went into a terrible dilemma as the food I wish to eat doesn't appear healthy for mayo...finally settled for curry chicken rice...

daddy is nice to have 'zhu za tang' to satisfy my craving for soup as usual....walked to the clinic after dinner....packed as usual...dig out card for registration....informed of waiting time to be estimated 30 - 45 mins.....

found a place to sit down to rest....super nervous....feeling very much uneasy for whatever reason not known....hands are icy cold....getting very restless....

finally mummy's name was called out....Dr Woody's opening statement as always "how are you feeling"....the moment mummy told him about the positive testing...Dr Woody ordered a scan immediately....the nervousness in mummy worsen...walking wobbly to the examination bed.....

Dr Woody told some time shifting the probe on mummy's tummy on various spots which make me more hysterical...then he said "mind if I scan from below" which mummy said okay too.....the same thing happen...probe shifted around in numerous positions but Dr Woody remain quiet....mummy was really scared.....

Result ~ sac can't be seen as yet possibly as it is too early but lining is observed to be thickening....was told of the option on hormone pills as well as injection (which is supposedly painful) far as mummy is concerned....protecting YOU is more important than anything else....thus mummy ask about the pros & cons....he explained that studies from KKH reveal that it helps to sustain the pregnancy with hormone pills.....

mummy rope Dr Woody in on more details of LMP, Ovulation Day & possible date of conception....mummy know it's very early to see him but rather be safe than sorry. He said it should be too early so we will observe next week on the progress and meanwhile to have lots of rest....given Duphaston 3 times a day....

double check on the package....he suggest to pay the full amount for this visit and when we are ready to sign the package then can use it to offset......

mummy walked out of clinic feeling rather depressed but mummy will remain in positive thinking mood....mummy believe that all will be fine....mummy trust & have faith that YOU will say hello to us next visit.....

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