Wednesday, May 21, 2008

20 May 2008

CD37 DPO18

Feeling ~ overwhelming, emotional & grinning from ear to ear

mummy decide to test with HPT in the morning again.

daddy helps to confirm the result in case mummy is seeing things.

daddy smile sheepishly looking at the strip.

daddy holding the much clearer +ve strip

mummy try to be real careful at work the whole day, by mid noon fatigue kicks in.

mummy urge daddy to double confirm with Predictor (much reliable) and wait no more to pay Dr. Woody a visit in the evening though you are about 4 weeks old.

mummy and daddy are so happy with the result, daddy feeling very excited.

mummy & daddy safekeep this result for you

mummy gave Dr Woody a call and was real disappointed to learn that he's in SK clinic, worst still back to CCK clinic only on Thurs night.

It's okie...mummy and daddy will wait patiently.

Mummy remind daddy to keep it as our little secret!

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