Thursday, March 31, 2011


As mentioned in the previous post, we have sold our house and is house hunting intensively due to the time constraint. Seriously if you asked me, house hunting is no fun at all. Time consuming (travel all the way to destination just for viewing of one unit), exhausting and stressful which has been on-going for close to 3 weeks. Last sunday was a bitter sweet day. Zethan's right dorsum puffed up badly and it was after lunch that I noticed. The swelling is very bad but unable to identify any bite marks. It was not painful (he said no when asked if it is painful) and when touched, showed no sign of pain or sharp reflex. That freaked me out big time and being sunday, made me panicky even more. Decided to carry on with our house viewings which landed us in our future house to be. Yes after much consideration and deliberation, we have decided on our next nest! It will be in Toh Guan. Made an offer, issued a cheque for deposit, only for the seller's agent to negotiate the deal. Further negotiation necessary since owner asking for higher COV, another party offering higher COV which put us in a tight spot to counter offer or let it go. Such a tough decision and balancing the pros and cons. Finally the deal was sealed with valuation of $430K and COV $29K. The last few days settled our HLE and was delighted that we are eligible for a HDB loan with amount more than sufficient so the ball is in our court now to exercise the Option to Purchase (OTP)!

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