Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Most probably it is due to the aftermath of the serious flu & cough that Zethan's appetite is not doing very well lately. In actual fact, he have not fully recovered from his cough which is weird as there will usually be just 1-2 burst of consistent coughing throughout the day and everything else appear normal after which.

I have decide to stop feeding him medication as apparently the medication did not ease these occasional burst of cough and his cough did not worsen because of the break in medication. Meanwhile I am just monitoring him for any signs of worsening cough for fear of developing phelgm in the lungs and feed him lots of water, hopefully to fight off the cough real soon.

oh, anyway back to the topic of his appetite. I have started him on Pediasure yestersday with the intention to bring back his appetite as well as to make up for the nutrients lost during the period he is unwell which we kept quite a range of food at bay. Previously he had some adverse reaction on the pre mixed pediasure especially the strawbeery flavour. Uncertain if it is coincidental but after he down a bottle of the milk, he puked 3 times through the day and it is the strawberry milk that was removed from his system. As for chocolate pediasure, even though diluted slightly with water, he rejected it totally after taking a few sips.

So this time round we have decided to try him on the vanilla flavour in powder form. So far he has taken 2 feeds yesterday and all appear to be good. No intention to feed constantly but once in a while to boost his appetite thus acting as a form of supplement.

On a side note, Zethan has developed an accquired taste since some months back. He love to munch on raw cucumber and even though it can taste bitter at times, he still love them to bits. Weird huh..

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