Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Before I forget, had better jot it down.

Not sure since when, Zethan starting saying Xie Xie (Thank You in mandarin). He said it when he want us to carry something from him as well as when he need us to fetch anything for him. However when he ia taught to say Thank You, he will sign instead. This is a major headache for me now as apparently we have used the wrong word when we reinforce the sign langauges to him. We are used to saying "Can you say instead of can you sign" so now he seem to be confused over it.

My mum teach him to say Working when she ask for our whereabout in the morning.

Mum ~ Zethan, where is daddy?
Zethan ~ Parking (when he meant working)

The she taught him to identify himself by pointing to his nose.

Mum ~ Where is Zethan
Zethan ~ Point to his nose (meaning here)

Another hilarious action of Zethan.

Mum ~ where is Ah ma?
Zethan ~ point to his nose (mum taught him by pointing to her own nose which made Zethan imitate her action accordingly! haha)

Mum asked Zethan in my presence

Mum ~ Zethan, where is mummy? Working?
Zethan ~ No (smile and point at me!)

He can indicate his response by answering Yesh and No when asked.

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