Thursday, December 3, 2009


this week on the menu, double boiled porridge consisting of lean pork, brocolli, chinese spinach and millet.
yes, grandma still insist that double boiled porridge is the best for babies. no doubt about the taste which is really yummy however mummy is concerned about Zethan being too comfortable with the runny porridge that he gets too lazy with other textures.
Mummy start Zethan on Childlife Colostrum next sat and so far all's well, no signs of allergy.
coming back to porridge, mummy is glad that at least Zethan love his porridge from the beginning till now (crossed fingers & toes). The lest is he finished his porridge most if not all the time otherwise it will be worrying since Zethan does not take his milk feeds very much. daily consumption can vary from the good of 600ml to 340ml on a bad day.
so the next concern will be, will Zethan obtain sufficient nutrients and calcium with his current diet. He is not exactly taking meat since it is only used to add flavour to his porridge. tried to feed him minced pork but he will gagged and refuse the porridge. though babies develop differently and he might not be ready yet, peers of his age are taking fish and meat very well by comparison. Hmm, wonder if there's any cause for concern.
Next on the menu ~ Kampong chicken egg yolks and fish (threadfin). yoghurt which is good for supplementing calcium intake is subjective for Zethan. Good days he finished the whole tub of Baby Yogplait and bad days perhaps only at most 5 spoonfuls.

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