Zethan had broncholitis and had to be put on neubalizer which made him scream and yelled and cried for a good 5 minutes or so. Shook his head furiously and tried to brush it off with his hands. Mummy's heart sunk when she saw Dr Ng taking a long time hearing his chest, she knew it coming. She had to brace herself and control her emotions in front of grandma lest she got worried.
the worst part is returning with 7 medications. mummy is shocked while Dr Ng continue with the prescription one after another. Zethan had to be put on antibiotics (Claripen) as he had slight ear infection resulting from the choked ear tube due to phlegm built up. For his phlegm / cough he had Singulair (prevent inflammation), Ventolin (to free up the airway) and Amxol (clear up phlegm). For runny nose he had to consume Zyrtec (thank god it's only once a day) and Illadin to dry up the muscus. Last but not least Paracetamol for the slight fever he's having.
Hope that all cleared up soon and Zethan had to return for a review on Mon.
poor Z, so many meds. Z will get well soon under yr tender loving care.
hey babe... so sorry to hear what happened! Ern had it too at 5 mths and that hospitalisation stay broke my heart too. I know how u feel and what you are going thru... be strong ok? everything will be ok!! damn the viral infection! but we really cant prevent it from happening. dont blame yourself ok? you are the greatest mum Z could ever have!
poor Z... hope he is recovering babe! do take care...
Poor boy...he will definitely be a strong boy after this episode! Take care.
thanks ladies for ur concern....Zethan is on the way to recovery...
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