still in time to wish this little guy a Happy 8th month-sary. it's not hard to imagine that another 4 mths down the road, Zethan will be celebrating his 1st hatchday! How very exciting.
Zethan is currently about 8.7kg and 71cm tall/long. He is on 2 cereal meals daily of about 3.5 formula milk scoop with 1 cube veg/fruit puree (est. 70ml) mixed with 130ml of milk. Milk feed have been reduced to 2 feeds being morning and mid noon (180-200ml).
Just a week back, his naptime greatly decreased but was compensated by earlier bedtime around eightish. because of that he had refused to down any milk for last feed (10+) having had the last meal being cereal. The 1st few nights mummy and grandma woke him up for feed only to be greeted by a super fussy and cranky baby, arching his body and tilting back his head! guess better off to do without the feed lest risking a fractured neck at the rate Zethan tilted his head back so vigorously.
oh, a note on his milestone. Mummy saw for herself that Zethan managed to sit himself up from the tummy time position. However it was observed that unless he had some kind of support behind him, otherwise it's quite impossible still. He is super duper active the whole of today with constant flipping, climbing on the bed. He has yet to crawl very well and prefer flipping around to get to his desired 'destination'
Attention span is still noted to be rather short say about 30mins max with reference to attending lessons. Mummy have noticed that Zethan expressed very keen interest in the arena of music and movement. When he is on Your Baby Can Read, the max he can last is averaging 15mins but somehow the 2 songs segments managed to catch his attention for as long as the song last. he is particularly focused watching the daily news, zao an ni hao especially the opening music and what came on before the financial updates. He can dropped whatever he is doing to focus on these segments.
Zethan can wave (by simply flipping his left hand), sign twinkle / milk on a adhoc basis dependent on his mood. Not to forget the babble of ma-ma and mum-mum as mentioned in previous post. He knows how to differentiate 'his food' and when other try to lure him with table food which he will attempt to grab it. He recognise his bowl and spoon thus luring with adult spoon don't work. Showing more intense signs of looking on when others are eating and even trying to reach out for it.
on the not so good aspect, he has learnt to bury his face on the bed / shoulder of whoever is carrying him when he is crying pathetically for watever reason it is. He is not quite ready yet to accept lumpy food and prefer puree in smooth consistency. But on a positive note, he could actually munch on Gerber graduate puffs and asking for more.
introducing porridge, fish, pork (stock), beef, chicken and threadfin soon. He is currently on Happy Bellies oatmeal cereal (because of the prebiotics content). Shelfing off brown rice cereal to be re-intro again as he show sign of indigestion.
well, in a nutshell that sums up the progress of Zethan for the last month to the best of mummy's memory which is failing her badly.
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