Sharing wif you sweeties, the journey in preparation to welcome your arrival to a complete Happy Family. Capturing the bits & pieces...the soon to be forgotten elated fine details to enable us walking down memory lane and marking milestones as a family.
Zethan was fascinated by waterfall, people watching and managed to catch a glimpse of the tortoises and carps in the lake while seated in his million dollar honk honk. His honk honk is indeed such a head turner though it is not easy to manouver around especially around bends. A pity we are a distance from the swan Lake otherwise his attention will be captivated by the graceful swans. the next trip we shall make it to the swan lake.
Anyhow the 1st trip of Zethan to Botanic Garden draw the end as it is close to Zethan's cereal time and mummy decide to head home lest faced a meltdown due to lack of sleep. Zethan is so tired that he drift into la-la land once in the car seat and the whole journey home.