Friday, July 3, 2009


finally the 'UTI saga' ended with a successful urine collection and results are normal!

just when things are looking up with Zethan's feeds resuming back to normal or even better than before after switching formula to Similac, little guy was down with cough.

Started out with 2-3 coughs a day which sould be consider as irritation to the throat untill last sunday when he started coughing more frequently especially at night. Not wanting for the cough to worsen, pd visit again on Mon. Given rhinathol and was told probably viral infection. Took 1st dose in the night and apparently observe cough to worsen.

2nd day - frequency of phlegmy cough increases. Damn clinic not answering call despite 1hr before clinic closure.

3rd day - morning cough badly and puke out thrice milk + phlegm. Called pd and was asked to return for review. Given Singular and Sinupret and hope it clear after 3 days or so. Crossing fingers here.

little guy weighs 7.79kg.

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