Monday, October 27, 2008

26 weeks

26 weeks 7 days
weight ~ 63.8kg

mummy experiencing lots of tightness in the tummy coupled with a little cramp / pain. Heartburn seem to be staying put but still managable, hopefully it does go away quickly. Tend to get a little breatheless easily and an episode of cramp in the calf while trying to stretch herself upon waking one morning. The ache stayed and lasted for a few days.

Baby getting very active these days throughout the whole day and his kicks / punches are much more forceful than before. Notice a little rejection towards chocolate as mummy feel nausea after consuming chocolate but at times she cheated by drinking milk shortly before bedtime to avoid feeling the nausea. Fish is still a no-no but showing improvement with small amount of fish consumed acceptable.

Mummy and daddy learnt more about breathing techniques, different stage of labour, revision of antenatal exercises, pain reliefs etc over sat's lesson. Mummy cleared the speculation in the forum that mums carrying boys should not drink too much soya milk. Mrs Wong mention it's supposed to be soya milk should not be given in large amount to BOYS as there could be side effects.

While on sunday we attended the Jan 09 MTBs BBQ gathering which is our 2nd so far. Despite the hot and humid weather, all of us had great fun, delicious food and great company which lasted for a good 5 hours. Wondering if Baby get to mingle with the rest of the babies in their mummies' tummy as well. Daddy was so nice constantly BBQing at the pit! This must be the longest time daddy spent BBQing without complains as usual time he would pinch and steal food from the pit instead. Applause to daddy!!!

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