Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cheese Cake

27 weeks 1 day

mummy never had a sweet tooth but had always been a fan of cakes especially that of Secret Recipe. Her all-time favourite definitely will be Chocolate Banana but she had to refrain from consuming it simply because of the presence of bananas. Myth or not, pregnant women can only consumed certain species of banana so to be on the safe side, no chocolate banana for the whole 40 weeks (uncertain what type of bananas are used).

mummy got to know of the promotion for Secret Recipe which started a week back at a whopping 50% off for the cheese cakes. The only drawback is promotion applicable for defined branches at defined dates only. Knowing that today is the last day for the promotion, mummy make it a point to drop by Forum Shopping Mall to try her luck on grabbing a whole cheese cake.

Surprisingly there isn't any queue or crowd as expected however there are only certain flavours left. It wasn't tough to decide on which flavour to buy although the Capuccino Cheesecake looks awesomely delicious (but no-no to caffeine again, sad case!) The next choice had to be Chilled Blueberry Cheesecake!

Our breakfast, tea break and supper for the next few days!
P/S ~ due to overwhelming response, promotion will be extended till 31st Oct (Suntec City, Plaza Singapure, Changi Airport Terminal)

Monday, October 27, 2008


mummy have been perspiring like mad for the past few weeks. Yes weather has been really eccentric recently but mummy is constantly feeling very warm even when she is in front of the blasting fan.

She check with daddy and realised that it's not the weather but herself who is perspiring profusely. Mummy is getting frustrated as she belong to the category who hate to be warm and sticky.

She can't be showering like 5 times a day for sure! Trying not to turn to the last resort which is to switch on the aircon every night so as not to get freaked out by the utilities bills received end of the month!

26 weeks

26 weeks 7 days
weight ~ 63.8kg

mummy experiencing lots of tightness in the tummy coupled with a little cramp / pain. Heartburn seem to be staying put but still managable, hopefully it does go away quickly. Tend to get a little breatheless easily and an episode of cramp in the calf while trying to stretch herself upon waking one morning. The ache stayed and lasted for a few days.

Baby getting very active these days throughout the whole day and his kicks / punches are much more forceful than before. Notice a little rejection towards chocolate as mummy feel nausea after consuming chocolate but at times she cheated by drinking milk shortly before bedtime to avoid feeling the nausea. Fish is still a no-no but showing improvement with small amount of fish consumed acceptable.

Mummy and daddy learnt more about breathing techniques, different stage of labour, revision of antenatal exercises, pain reliefs etc over sat's lesson. Mummy cleared the speculation in the forum that mums carrying boys should not drink too much soya milk. Mrs Wong mention it's supposed to be soya milk should not be given in large amount to BOYS as there could be side effects.

While on sunday we attended the Jan 09 MTBs BBQ gathering which is our 2nd so far. Despite the hot and humid weather, all of us had great fun, delicious food and great company which lasted for a good 5 hours. Wondering if Baby get to mingle with the rest of the babies in their mummies' tummy as well. Daddy was so nice constantly BBQing at the pit! This must be the longest time daddy spent BBQing without complains as usual time he would pinch and steal food from the pit instead. Applause to daddy!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

25 weeks

25 weeks 7 days
weight ~ 63.7kg

lazy mummy delaying post on updates when it should be done few days back. heartburn seem to be staying for good although certain days it's much more managable. Had an episode of cramp when waking one morning and instead of pressing the panic mode like the last, recall the technique learnt over antenatal lesson, soothe it in no time. Breathelessness kicks in intermittently and Baby is more active these days. Experienced a few bouts of strong tightening of the tummy with a little pain but decide to keep it under monitoring before identifying if there's a need to consult dr woody earlier.

Observed a slight drop in weight and bounced back to the same as per last week. Mummy expressed her concern and daddy assured that possibly she had started working and are much more mobile compared to previously, slouching on the bed in front of the lappy for almost the whole of the day.

grandma complaining about mummy's tummy being small and expressed her concerns over if she is dieting? eating sufficiently? BB growing well? Little did she know that mummy is eating like a pile especially over dinner and 5 meals daily! In fact it's a blessing that the tummy don't ballooned that quickly to minimise the occurence of stretch marks **touchwood** hehe

>grandma saw this...maybe it's the 'slimming' effect of black <

attended the 1st lesson for antenatal class on 11 Oct 08 and it was fun. The antenatal exercise is interesting but quite unfortunately due to short term memory, did not manage to recall much and daddy didn't manage to help at all with his limited memory! However the session was really informative and leaving the lesson, mummy and daddy began to start most if not all our statements with "Mrs Wong say....." the good thing is daddy has become more receptive on lots of things e.g. used to stop mummy from indulging in ice-cream even once in a while but since Mrs Wong say it's alright to consume ice-cream for calcium intake, mummy is even allowed to stock up on ice-cream at home, haha!

stock up on more maternity wear since started working and faced with a serious wardrobe crisis. bought a little baby pillow from Aussino for Baby.

Monday, October 13, 2008

1st Day

24 weeks 7 days

mummy started work this morning after a good long break of 2 months! Travelling the familiar route taken for the last 3 years, mummy feel very light hearted and happy.

Back to the ex company before last. Perhaps it's due to anxiety, did not manage to catch much sleep the night before. Toss and turn for few hours in bed before slipping into slumberland at about 4+am and having to wake up at 7am.

While in the shower, mummy tell Baby that in the daytime will have lesser time to spend with Baby but hope that he can give mummy a little reminder when she get a little busy. True enough, throughout the day, Baby give little kicks and nudges for mummy to talk to him.

Tummy feel very very tight today and heavy as well especially post dinner which worsen. Can bearly keep the eyes open after dinner but worried that sleeping too early will result in eyes big big in the early morning.

Got to go catch up on my much needed sleep. Goodnight!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

24 weeks

24 weeks 2 days
weight ~ 62.8kg

the past week had been rough for mummy as she experience all in one.

sun had heartburn, nausea, giddy and loose stool all at the same time after having breakfast. Did not managed to eat much for the whole day even water intake proved to be tough. Mummy was feeling uncomfort and queasy the whole day and taking medication for heartburn helped for a good 1-2 hrs before all resume once again.

Still having headache on monday upon waking up, mummy got daddy to pick her up for a trip to dr woody's clinic for fear of high blood pressure that could possibly be a sign of pre-eclampsia.

blood pressure was normal which is a relief thus assured it's not a concern but will prescribe panadol and vomitting medication to relieve the discomfort. Proceed to the scan and daddy request for a better view on the ultrasound printout. As usual were shown the head, heartbeat and tummy very quickly.

Mummy checked with him with regards to glucose test which he said it's not necessary to put one through it unless the usual urine test indicate the need to do so. He advised to have some rest and sleep to ease off the headache but mummy think that napping gives her headache perhaps due to too much sleep. So he advised to go shopping instead which daddy responded very quickly that it's bad for his pocket.

heartburn seem to be lurking around but mummy still hope that it will go away for good soon. Mummy experience a little weight lost over the past few days attributed by the poor appetite and heartburn. On a happier note, our precious Baby is 758g at 24 weeks!

Monday, October 6, 2008


mummy tried very hard to capture this video clip of Baby actively performing his stunts, try and see f you are able to catch him in action. A little dark and not that clear though. Good luck!

BB Cot

23 weeks 7 days

Mummy have been trying to work out the arrangements to pickup the BB cot from her friend, Aunty Elsie for quite a while. Fortunately we managed to pick it up on sat night @ Tampines. There's 2 big bags of cot bumpers too. Thanks Aunty Elsie!

Loaded into mummy's car, we went to Singapore Expo where there's a Robinsons Grand Spree going on. Nothing much for baby stuff except mummy bought a few nursing bras. Have our dinner at the Hong Kong cafe there which served Portugese food (unfortunately mummy too hungry thus forget to take a picture of the yummy food). Portion is rather big and economically priced, good food too!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Joke 2

this time around it's not exactly a joke but mummy find that it's a little funny just thinking about it!

now that we are pregnant, it gives mummy the dilemma when it comes to filling up particulars such as when it comes to employment application etc.

when it comes to the section whereby they ask "no of dependent" mummy tend to frown. Should it be;

NIL - but mummy is expecting a precious boy in her!

ONE - what to fill in the age, can't be 0 for sure. Can't possible state say 6 months then it would be easily mistaken to be 6 months old infant!

What do you think? kekeke

23 weeks

23 weeks 3 days
weight ~ 62.3kg

time really flies and now we are in Oct 2008. Mummy's precious boy is 23 weeks and we are nearing our 6th month! Weight gain will be approximately 2kg per month and hopefully it stay this way so would have gained a total of about 14kg for the whole pregnancy which is a awfully lots!

mummy has quite a lot of complains this week. 1st is the cramp in the right calf, not too sure what is the cause but the ache and pain remain for like 3 days after a stretch in the morning before getting out of bed. It was pretty torturing since walking about and getting out of bed, fortuntely it went away!

secondly, constipation has decide to bunk in with mummy for the past week. 'Inspired' by a stomachache, the sitting in the washroom yield no result which is very uncomfortable. Despite eating apple every night which usually is effective, the past week is tough. Drinking more fluid of more than 8 glasses a day did not appear to help as well. Must be the hormones acting up once again! (+_+)"

thirdly, mummy is feeling a little heavy and get aches everywhere after walking / shopping for like hours. 3rd trimester is still a distance away yet the signs and symptoms are lurking nearby, crossing fingers it will not be that bad.
making use of the public holiday yesterday (Hari Raya), mummy and daddy went to AMK Hub as NTUC Xtra is having a baby fair with some great buys and range discount of 20%. We saw the car seat which cost only $99 but daddy commented he does not like the material which is a little velvety and does trap dust easily. Giving the infant car seat a miss as well since we are uncertain if we are getting the compatiable stroller for a full travel system. The only baby item we bought there was 2 sets of Tollyjoy mittens and booties as we are seriously lacking in it and there seem to be no hand me downs as yet. A little accident happen at the mall - a little boy had to squeeze through past mummy's tummy (standing in a corner with tummy facing wall) and mummy let out a loud 'WEI' (more like a reflex action, nothing on purpose), quickly touching tummy. Luckily it wasn't a hard bump and the little boy received a little spanking from his mum when she saw mummy touching the tummy.

Window shopped around the mall and spotted a travel system at Mums and Babes (or was it babies?) which looks like a good buy. with the promotion they are having coupled with additional discount for First Born Incentive card holder, the full system work out to be mere $226 or so. However we decide to halt the purchase untill we have seen our handown stroller's condition. If it could be used then most probably we will get Baby a new stroller when he's 6 months or so.

Daddy met his friend while shopping and mummy's bump must be pretty obvious as his friend ask 'oh, your wife is delivering soon ar'. mummy nearly faint, when the tummy so small, how could that be possible but coming from a guy, pardonable! haha

Subsequently we went to get the Drapolene nappy cream to be used as a barrier cream which is very economical. Going to try it out its effectiveness on Baby 1st before deciding to stay put or switch to Desitin Creamy which causes raves among mummies in the forum. Disposable breast pads was also purchased, crossing away more items on the checklist!

All in all, we spent a good 6 hours in AMK neighbourhood alone. Mummy as well as daddy return home with an aching body!

Daddy is really sweet to buy lunch for mummy everyday as she is not working. There seem to be telepathy between both as on 2/3 occasions, mummy is thinking to herself she is tired of the usual lunch and viola, daddy return with lunch of what she has in mind. Or was it mummy getting a little predictable these days (maybe he shared the same 'cravings' too) haha, naughty mummy!