gosh, my poor little lady had not had much of updates ever since her birth story and guess what, she is 5+ months already!
a quick glance through on her milestones if my limited memory served.
she slept through the night (sttn) at about 6 weeks, quite almost similar to Zethan and yes I count my blessings which helped heaps in coping with the no help period alone with 2 kids. Being able to sleep slightly longer (referring to myself) and even stealing some tiny bit of time for reading is great. Her last feed was pretty early like 10ish and she could slept through till 8-9am in the morning which does freaked me out. Imagine this young infant going without feeds for a whopping 10-11 hours, the naggy voice stayed behind my mind. Worrying get to me and at certain nights, I will dream feed her around the early part of the midnight. Even though she does sttn, it does not necessarily translate to hitting the sack early for mi. Cooking soup ready for lunch the next day, my last pump for the day and finally my well deserved shower set me back till 1+am, the earliest. After shower feeling refreshed, I will try to read abit (my only possible ME time), retiring to bed at about 2am on most days, the good days. I will have to wake up around 7am to dream feed her again before pumping then preparing Zethan for school.
She smiled loads starting from 5 weeks onwards and it is definitely easy peasy to make her flash her sweetest smile by simply smiling at her. Imagine how proud a mummy I can be whenever she flashes her sweet smile even at strangers talking to her and in turn received lots of compliments. Her ever readiness to smile just melt all my fatigue away and more often than not, find myself beaming away. Moments like this reminded myself on how worthwhile and fortunate it is to be a SAHM, experiencing first hand on all the teeny weeny details of the kids' growing up. Of course there are always bad moments but shall not go there now.
The young lady dislike being in her car restraint and quite unfortunately it translate to rejecting her stroller as well which is really frustrating. Determined as this mummy who is pretty stubborn, I started her on a 'training' routine to get her accustomed to the infant car seat. It does help that every morning she had to be in the stroller while we walked Zethan to school and most mornings if not all, she would be soundly asleep. Easy as it may sound but certainly it was a heart stopping exercise especially so when we are travelling in the car and she would whine when the car halt. No joking matter if happened to be caught in a traffic jam. Exercise still in progress at this point of time but she had improves leaps and bounds though ideally it can be much better.
It was so exciting that I did managed to catch her taking her first flip @ 4 mths 17 days on the 18th November. From flipping over and getting her arms caught under to currently an expert in flipping. All it take is 2 seconds and she is on her tummy but yet keep complaining within seconds too.
Oh did I mentioned that she started having milk strike since 3 mths old. Initially it was just taking longer time to feed so we upgrade her to M teats thinking the slow flow frustrate her thus longer feeding time. However it is not just as simple as that. Soon it became patting her on the bum to finish her feed then standing to feed then having to rock and swing her to feed! It just simply did not end here, it escalate further to having swing her till half asleep before she is willing to feed and it take as long as an hour to down her milk which leave my arms & back breaking after each feed. Can I self pity myself for the frustrating agony of having both children displaying milk strike symptoms?!
That's basically about all my memory can served. Will update as and when again!