Saturday, February 28, 2009

Week 6

a quick update before the little guy wakes for his milk.

Zethan weighs 5kg as of week 6 and PD remark he is growing well although mummy is advised to cut down on his feeds from the current 100ml to about 93ml based on his weight to compute the per feed quantity. By doing so, Zethan should no longer be facing any issue on regurgitation (supposed to be normal till about 3 months old) and relieve on the "3 months colic" and apparently normal too.

So, let the pictures do the talking!

Day 37

Day 38 - 1st shopping trip to Causeway Point!

Day 39 - Shopping trip to nearby NTUC

Day 40 - Shopping trip to Jurong Point

Day 41 - All dressed up ready to set off to Kidsloftz

Cute sleeping pose

Day 42 - Aftermath of whole day fussing; Ko-ed on pillow on mummy's lap!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


My spikey hair, handsome?
What's this thing on my head?
Let me or not to smile

BB Zethan is fast approaching his 6th week, how time flies!

Everyday mummy feels like running against the clock as time never seem to be sufficient! She would wish and hope to ask for more than 24 hours in a day.

This is so as she is alone to fend for herself with BB Zethan when grandma went back. It was really horrendous (alright a little too extreme word used here) or rather put it as tiring as both mummy and Zethan are learning and coping with being with each other. Mummy is still on the ropes of figuring out the numerous 'patterns' of Zethan.

However grandma is really nice to be back after a few days to help mummy tide over this period of time, trying to show mummy the ropes in identifying and interpreting his needs and wants which is a tall order at this moment for mummy. That explains why mummy can afford the time for this entry! Stealing some moments here and there!

Oh yes...yet to update on BB Zethan's Baby Shower party. Photos yet to be download and gifts remain unopened! Stay tuned (hopefully not going to be a long wait)!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Birth Registration

Mummy and daddy have finally got down to registering BB Zethan's Birth Certificate on 2nd feb 2009.

Reason for the procrastination being initial plans for name selection by a geomancer was disrupted when grandpa resist the idea. So the noble task was left to him but mummy didn't like the names suggested and characters she prefered can't be used due to one reason or another e.g. somebody in the family having the character.

Mummy was surfing the online chinese dictionary one day to find a suitable middle name to go with "Qian" (as in Qian Xu - Humble). Her intention is to have a simplier middle name to minimize the number of strokes for his whole name. Out of coincidence, she came across "Zi" (as in Hai Zi - child) and one of the significance was "Zi" being used for Rat in the chinese horoscope and it kind of means the 1st and orderly manner (well sort of as it's difficult to translate and mummy's chinese isn't too fantastic).

So there you have it....

Zethan Yeo Zi Qian

p/s: lousy mummy do not know how to include chinese character

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Many thanks to Aunty Penny who design this sweet looking e-invite which mummy love it lots!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Baby Shower

20 days old BB Zethan - frowning
(why mummy keep taking photo of me?)
Yes Sir, opps....mummy! for mummy!

Mummy and daddy have decided to celebrate BB Zethan's full month with a baby shower party on 7th Feb (sat) from 4-9pm.

We have decided not to shave his hair but probably just snipped a little just for formality purpose.

16 Days old BB Zethan

18 Days old BB Zethan

19 Days old BB Zethan - one of his fav sleeping pose